
Choose what fits the best for your needs.


For casual news posting

1 project
Unlimited posts
All widgets
Color branding




For fast growing business

All essentials features
Unlimited projects
Schedule posts
Advanced branding


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Frequently asked questions

What is a project?

A project is defined by the URL of the website where you will insert the Pulsly widget.

What is the Pulsly widget?

A widget is a line of code that once placed in the <head> tag of your website will show the news that you will publish from the Pulsly dashboard.

Do widgets work on mobile?

Pulsly Embed is a JavaScript script, so it works on any tech stack that uses HTML and JavaScript. On traditional websites, the widgets are responsive.

Is Pulsly free?

Yes, Pulsly is free if you don't need to use advanced features like advanced branding, labels, post-scheduling, and unlimited projects.

What types of payment methods do you accept?

We accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express credit cards. Everything is securely handled by Stripe.

Can I cancel my pro plan?

Yes, you can cancel your plan at any time, Pro features will be kept until the end of the period.

Get started for free with Pulsly